MUSIC FOR A DREAM (2024) for percussion and piano
Instrumentation: percussion (tam-tam, crotales, marimba, snare drum, wood blocks) and piano
Duration: ~8’30”
Performance/Recording History:
Recorded by Ji Hye Jung, percussion and Jeewon Park, piano on August 21, 2024 at the Young Composers Sounding Board II event as part of the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival in Elley-Long Music Center at St. Michael’s College in Colchester, VT.
Program Notes:
MUSIC FOR A DREAM is my attempt to musicalize a recurring dream I had as a child. The dream was always very simple: I was chased by a humanoid figure, and the creature got closer and closer to catching me until I woke up at the very last second.
The beginning of the piece reflects the process of falling into a deep sleep; the music is murky and unsettled. Then, the musical material begins to crystallize and distill itself as the dream is brought into focus and the chase begins. The music grows ever more frantic and wild until it suddenly vanishes into thin air, and we are whisked back to reality.