THAT SPECIAL PLACE (2023) for piano quartet

Instrumentation: piano quartet

Duration: ~8 minutes

Performance/Recording History:


Program Notes:

THAT SPECIAL PLACE is a work about my childhood and in particular, my earliest musical experiences. I don't come from a family that would typically be described as "musical", but several family members are certainly interested in and fascinated by music, not least among them my father. Some of the first musical experiences I can recall take the form of simply riding in the car with my dad as he blasted his favorite music, including the likes of Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, and Guns N' Roses. The simple joy of enjoying the music he was passionate about together as we drove home from baseball practice or to school in the morning really stuck with me, and 70's and 80's music has always occupied a special place in my heart. In fact, I think it has played a big role in shaping the way I think about and write music; in particular, how I use rhythm and groove. At its core, this piece is a tribute to this amazing treasure trove of music, and to my father, who introduced me to it.